We combine state-of-the-art technologies with unique patient cohorts to identify multiple novel therapeutic targets in leukemias and solid tumors.

Our science
Antibody Targets
Our LB01 antibody targets SLAMF6, a novel immune escape mechanism recently discovered by the founders of Lead Biologics.
SLAMF6 is aberrantly expressed on cancer cells where it causes a suppression of the anti-cancer T cell response in a mechanism analogous to the PD-L1/PD-1 interaction.
Our antibody breaks the immunosuppressive SLAMF6-SLAMF6 interaction and induces T cell activation and T cell-mediated elimination of cancer cells.
Our LB02 antibody targets C3AR, a marker recently described by the founders of Lead Biologics to be expressed on leukemic stem cells in the largest genetic subgroup of AML.
This marker has no expression on normal hematopoietic stem cells, allowing for specific targeting and a broad therapeutic window for our different antibody modalities. C3AR has implications in both AML and multiple solid tumours.
The LB03 antibody targets a novel “don’t eat me” signal regulating macrophage function, discovered by the founders of Lead Biologics.
Our lead candidate induces phagocytosis in a manner akin to that of agents interrupting SIRPa-CD47 signaling. The target in this program has no expression in healthy hematopoietic stem cells and is expressed in AML and multiple solid tumours.