We trust our experts

Thoas Fioretos, MD, PhD
Chairman of the Board, Founder
Professor and senior consultant at the Division of Clinical Genetics, Lund university. Thoas has published more than 150 scientific articles and he is a recipient of the Wallenberg Clinical Scholar Award and an elected member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. Founder of the two public companies Qlucore AB and Cantargia AB.

Lars Bruzelius PhD
Board member
Associate Professor in Business Administration and a management consultant. Previous Vice President and Administrative Director at Gambro AB and member of the board of Cantargia, Follicum, and many other companies.

Anki Malmborg Hager, MSC, PhD
CEO, Board member
Previous CEO of SenzaGen AB, PainDrainer AB, Cantargia AB, XImmune AB, and Diaprost AB. Previous Investment Director at LU Bioscience AB and the VP for Business Development at Alligator Bioscience AB. Advisor and board member of several start-up companies.

Kjell Sjöström, MSc
Board member, founder
A life science entrepreneur, founder of Innovagen AB 1995, deeply involved in bringing several antibodies into clinical development. One of the founders of Cantargia AB, Pharma15 Corp.

Marcus Järås, PhD
Board member, Founder
Associate Professor at the Division of Clinical Genetics at Lund University, Head of Research Education at the Department for Laboratory Medicine, Lund University. One of the founders of Cantargia AB and an inventor of several patents related to antibody therapeutics for cancer treatment.

Lars Grundemar, MD, PhD
Board member
Extensive leadership experience in global pharmaceutical corporations across therapeutic areas and treatment modalities (USA, Switzerland, Italy, Denmark, and Sweden). Previously CEO for Oncorena, – dedicated to renal cancer. Also Board of Director positions in several life science companies. Adjunct Professor in Clinical Pharmacology at Lund University.

Carl Sandén, PhD
Chief Scientific Officer, Founder
Senior research scientist at the Division of Clinical Genetics at Lund University with a PhD in experimental hemtaology and extensive experience in experimental and translational cancer research. He specializes in target identification and validation for antibody therapy in cancer.

Niklas Landberg, MD, PhD
Medical Advisor, Founder
A physician-scientist working at the Department of Hematology at Skåne University Hospital and Clinical Genetics at Lund University. He conducted his postdoctoral research at Stanford University. Part of Swedish National steering committee for Acute Myeloid Leukemia.